Home / Announcements / Ajaxify Comments 2.1.0 Released with Lazy Load Improvements

Ajaxify Comments 2.1.0 Released with Lazy Load Improvements

Ajaxify Comments 2.1 has been released with significant lazy loading improvements and features. Let’s dive into what’s changed in this version.

Lazy loading is more feature rich

Here’s a before of how lazy loading used to work:

This Setting Was Very Misleading
Old Lazy Load Settings

One of the first things I did when taking over the plugin was to fix lazy loading. It was in very dire shape. But the option to enable or disable lazy loading was up to an input box, so it wasn’t apparently clear that it was on and working.

As a result, I decided to let the lazy load feature live in its own tab, improve the trigger mechanisms for comment loading, and provide a way for users to set a scroll offset to their desired trigger. Any previous lazy load settings are auto-migrated, and the core options remain the same, so everything is backward compatible.

This new tab has a prominent toggle for on and off, as well as a dropdown for the various available triggers.

DLX Lazy Load Settings
Ajaxify Lazy Load Settings

New triggers

In addition to DomReady and Comments Scrolled Into View, there are three new triggers:

  1. External trigger: the user will be prompted to manually fire Ajaxify Comments in order for the comments to load.
  2. Element reached: when an element scrolls into view, load the comments.
  3. Scroll distance: set how long a user can scroll before comments are loaded in.

For the element reached, there is an input for a selector and a scroll offset value you can set.

Choosing an Element as a Lazy Load Trigger
Choosing an Element as a Lazy Load Trigger

Scroll distance added

Triggers based on scrolling have a new scroll offset parameter.

Comments Viewport Offset
Comments Viewport Offset

This is a user-requested feature and a much-needed feature for lazy loading.

If you want to test lazy loading before enabling it, you can simulate lazy load enabled (or disabled) right from the admin bar.

Menu Helper with Lazy Loading Options
Menu Helper with Lazy Loading Options

New Integrations tab

A new Integrations tab features plugins that are compatible with Ajaxify Comments. If you know of any existing plugins that should make this list, please leave a comment or contact me.

Integrations Tab
Integrations Tab

Future plans for Ajaxify Comments

I have lots of ideas for Ajaxify Comments, but for the short term, I am going to work on adding integration between Ajaxify Comments and Comment Edit Pro.

For Ajaxify Comments, I’d like to add:

  1. A pagination better (build a better pagination experience for comments)
  2. An overlay builder (customize the overlay a lot more)
  3. Inline lazy loading (this will likely be a paid add-on)

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Ronald Huereca
By: Ronald Huereca
Published On: on October 25, 2023

Ronald Huereca founded DLX Plugins in 2022 with the goal of providing deluxe plugins available for download. Find out more about DLX Plugins, check out some tutorials, and check out our plugins.

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