Discover a suite of user-friendly plugins, backed by reliable support.
Each plugin is crafted with a high degree of care and meticulous attention to detail before it’s released.

Featured Plugin
Archive Pages Pro
Archive Pages Pro allows you to map archive items to pages. This allows you to customize your custom post type archives, category and term archives, and author archives. Additional features include custom field mapping and post type overrides.
DLX Plugins are top-class, well-supported, and easy to use.
Ajaxify Comments
Ajaxify Comments allows you to post comments without a page reload. Lazy loading of the comments section is also included.

AlertsDLX is a free WordPress plugin for creating alerts and notifications using the Block Editor. It supports Bootstrap, Chakra, and Material alerts.

Archive Pages Pro
Archive Pages Pro allows you to map archive items to pages. This allows you to customize your custom post type archives, category and term archives, and author archives. Additional features include custom field mapping and post type overrides.
Comment Edit Core
Comment Edit Core is a free WordPress plugin that allows users to edit and fix their comments for a fixed period of time. A pro add-on offers many more features.

Comment Edit Pro
An add-on to Comment Edit Lite, this Pro version enables comment logging, reCAPTCHA 3, Mailchimp, comment character control, front-end editing, and lots more.

GB Extras for GenerateBlocks
A collection of tools/hacks for GenerateBlocks. You can set the headline as the default block, add Adobe Fonts, and more.

Highlight and Share
Highlight and Share is a free WordPress plugin that shows sharing options when a user highlights text on your site. The plugin also has a comprehensive Click to Share block.

QuotesDLX is a beautiful quotes block, with several quote themes, Click to Tweet functionality, and advanced and easy-to-use block options.

Pattern Wrangler
Pattern Wrangler is a free plugin for enhancing the default Patterns list view, making patterns into shortcodes, and overall pattern management.

WP Plugin Info Card
WP Plugin Info Card allows you to display plugins and themes from in beautiful card layouts.

Users have taken notice. These plugins are well-crafted and easy to use.

I have to say, Ronald has hit the ground running with this. Big time, it’s super easy to use, and at no point was I confused or stuck.
Ben from LayerWP – QuotesDLX

Installation – EASY. UI – gorgeous. I wish all plug-ins had such a clean look and were as clear and easy to set up and work with!
Holly Jahangiri – Comment Edit Pro

I tested a dozen quotes plugins and block templates, but none came close to QuotesDLX. It is professionally built with sharing options and beautiful themes. I’m glad I found your plugin!
Tor Sand from Mind Map Journal – QuotesDLX

The Deluxe Bundle is here!
Six premium plugins, a 50-site yearly license, and priority plugin support for all our plugins, including the free ones. All starting at $99 a year.
Archive Pages Pro (just released!)
GB Extras – an add-on for GenerateBlocks
Tazker – an add-on for Gravity Forms and Toggle Plan